Salary Negotiation or Mind Games? ๐Ÿค‘

Avoid These 37 Red Flags!

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So, you wanna go "lean" in your business, huh? Well, it's all about getting savvy. First, get cozy with the "5S" rules - sort out the junk, tidy up your space, keep things shiny, make rules everyone follows, and stick with it. Next, keep the improvement vibe alive - let your team flex their change-making muscles regularly. But don't stop there! Give your crew some power, let 'em own their work. Happy employees are productive employees. Lastly, don't forget why you're doing all this: the customer! Figure out what they want and deliver. That's the secret sauce to a lean, mean business machine.

Hey there, B2B folks! ๐Ÿš€ Don't let those leads in your CRM turn into ancient history. Dust them off! Start by categorizing them into snazzy segmentsโ€”recent, vintage, big fish, small fry, you name it. Then, share the love and assign them to your sales champs. Keep those leads warm; you never know when an oldie might turn into a goldie. It's all about strategy, baby! ๐Ÿ’ผ

The so-called "world's cheapest home," which was listed at a mind-boggling price of just $1, has actually been sold! Yep, you read that right โ€“ someone snagged a whole house for pocket change. And get this, it was a cash deal! I mean, who needs a mortgage when you can just fish out a dollar bill, right? Wonder if they found any loose change under the couch cushions to seal the deal. ๐Ÿ 

If you want your franchise to rock, you gotta build a killer corporate culture. It's not about boring policies; it's about making good habits stick, becoming part of your brand's DNA. No culture? Well, say hello to toxic work vibes, low productivity, and staff turnover from hell. First things first, figure out your company's values and goals. And when you're hiring, remember, your team shapes your culture. So, choose wisely, or you might end up with a culture that's more radioactive than cool.

Job interviews can be a real rollercoaster, and sometimes you spot some serious red flags. Like when they ask, "What's the lowest salary you'd tolerate?" Not exactly a warm welcome, right? Then there's the startup that freaked out when you mentioned work-life balance. Dodged a bullet there, buddy! And let's not forget the classic "work hard, play hard" line, which basically means you'll be either overworked or turning into a part-time bartender. And the cherry on top? "We're so understaffed, but hey, there's cheap pizza once a month." Yeah, that pizza won't cover the burnout, folks! ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿšฉ

Toolbox Treasures

Eariously - The text-to-speech generator that will make you question your sanity.

Header Footer Code Manager (HFCM) Pro - The WordPress plugin that will let you add any code to your website... even if you don't know what you're doing.

UXtweak - The all-in-one UX research and usability testing platform.

Gusto - The payroll and HR solution that's so easy, even a caveman could do it.

MindNode - The mind mapping app that will make you think outside the box... or inside a box.

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