Google Eyes HubSpot, Yahoo Snags Artifact AI!

Google's $35 Billion Gamble -a HubSpot Takeover?

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Quick Peek

Google's apparently eyeing up HubSpot for a potential acquisition! They've been chatting with Morgan Stanley about it, but nothing's set in stone yet. Snagging HubSpot could help Google boost its CRM game, especially since they're looking to shake things up after a bit of a slump in ad revenue. But, there's a twist—Google's sweating over antitrust worries and privacy regs. It's a wild ride in the tech world!

Yahoo's snagging Artifact, that AI-powered news app from Instagram's bigwigs Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. They're ditching the standalone vibe, but their tech's gonna slide into Yahoo's gear, like the Yahoo News app, real soon. Systrom and Krieger are sticking around in a sorta "advisory capacity" for now. Artifact was gonna call it quits, but Yahoo swooped in, seeing some potential in their personalized news game. It's all about dishing out the news you actually care about, with a sprinkle of AI magic. So, Yahoo's pumping up the volume on connecting folks with news that really hits home.

So, turns out vending machines are the hot new side hustle! You can start with just $2,000, fill 'em up with snacks, and make a nice profit with some savvy markup. It's low-key, flexible, and even pandemic-proof with contactless payments. But watch out for competition and tech glitches – like facial recognition causing a stir on some smart machines. Still, it's booming, and folks are jumping in to make extra cash in this hustle-hungry economy.

There's this cool startup called Radious that's like Airbnb, but for finding cozy spots to work. They've been helping teams in cities like Portland, San Francisco, and Milwaukee, but now they're going national! You can rent out homes or unique spaces for meetings or just to get work done. Plus, they even found a way to help teams in areas they haven't officially launched yet. It's all about making remote work feel more comfortable and accessible.

Flush, a new app at CES 2024, lets you rent bathrooms from cafes and restaurants for up to 10 bucks. Founder Elle Szabo created it after a desperate restroom hunt on meds. Businesses list their loos, and users find and book through the app. They've got a rating system to avoid sketchy situations and might offer insurance for damages. Some wonder if people will really pay for a bathroom break, but Szabo's hoping to fix the whole bathroom distribution thing. Pittsburgh gets to try it out first.

Toolbox Treasures

Eariously - The text-to-speech generator that will make you question your sanity.

Header Footer Code Manager (HFCM) Pro - The WordPress plugin that will let you add any code to your website... even if you don't know what you're doing.

UXtweak - The all-in-one UX research and usability testing platform.

Gusto - The payroll and HR solution that's so easy, even a caveman could do it.

MindNode - The mind mapping app that will make you think outside the box... or inside a box.

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